As soon as your item has been shipped out from our warehouse you will receive an e-mail from Yahoo stating that your item has been shipped. In this shipping confirmation e-mail you will find your UPS tracking number. Click on the tracking number and it will give you up to the minute information as to where your order is located.
Possible UPS tracking information:
- Manifest pick-up: This means your order is ready to be shipped and waiting for UPS to pick it up from our warehouse.
- Pick-up scan: This means it has left our facility and is heading towards you now.
- In transit: Your order is in transit to your location.
- Out for delivery- Your item is on its way to your home at this moment.
- Exception: This is a rare scenario, however. UPS is re routing your order, due to operating problems on UPS's side.
If there is no activity for two days we can help. Please call us at 646-290-6446. If your package has been damaged or lost by UPS it takes up to 8-10 business before we can re-ship your order or give you a full credit. However this usually never happens.